Thursday, January 27, 2011

Independent living with disability scooters

Disability scooters are the right devices to improve the quality of life of people with compromised mobility. People experience difficulties in mobility due to various reasons, say age, injury, or some medical problems, for them to lead independent life, mobility scooters have been designed. They are similar to wheelchairs but function via an integrated motor. Every disability scooter has a seat, flat area for users to comfortably place their feet, handlebars for steering, and a steerable wheel (it can be two in some scooters). Like these parts, all mobility scooters have a battery (or batteries) on board, some units come with on-board charging facility whereas other have a separate battery charger unit. There are scooters with swiveling seat as accessing in front may be difficult at times with the handlebar blocking. A manual wheelchair requires good stamina and arm/shoulder flexibility to mobility, and people who lack either or both of these can rely on a scooter for mobility purpose.

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