Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simple Technology: Assist A Tray

Sometimes it’s easier to have a support tray installed and attached to a chair or a couch. There are several benefits of a support tray.
Some of the features and the advantages of attaching such a tray to the couch can be detailed as follows:
The assist a tray comes with a desk facility. This allows the user to complete the necessary work while resting on the couch. This helps the user in a dual manner as both resting and working can be carried out simultaneously. This tray can be rotated completely to 360 degrees so that the user can position it as per the user’s comfort.

Another feature is that there is a supporting handle provided so that the user can get up from the couch without any problems or difficulties. This is the most important USP and feature of the assist-a-tray

The handle can absorb a weight of about 250 lbs while the tray itself has a maximum weight absorbing capacity of 30 lbs

The tray does not skid (slip) on the floor as there are proper grips provided at the foot of the tray to prevent this from happening. Additionally the design of the assist-a-tray is such that it does not cause any damage to the surface of the floor

The tray also contains a holder in which cups and glasses can be placed. This ensures that the user need not get up repeatedly to get water and other necessary liquids. The tray does not require any special tools while assembling it. This means that even non-technical people can assemble the tray without any extra help

The dimensions of the tray are such that they can be adjusted according to the user using the tray. The adjustments are as follows: the foot of the tray between 20 to 36 inches, the handle up to a 34 to 40 inches height and the tray size is measured at 16 x 18 inches. This allows perfect feasibility to users of all age-groups.

The assist-a-tray is priced at US$ 134.59

The shipping of the assist-a-tray is also quite fast. After placing the order, the delivery of the product is assured within a day of the product being ordered.

There is a word that describes such equipments – ergonomics. In other words, this word means ‘designing for comfort.’ This being the case, the facilities and the advantages offered by the assist tray perfectly fit the definition attached to it.

Read about wheelchair trays.

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