Why Interviews are Important-
Interviews are highly relevant in and contribute significantly to the modern world. They are prominent tools in several, varied spheres of life and work. Most commonly, they are used in job recruitment, to gain perception and feedback, quizzing eminent personalities, etc. These interviews help in gaining knowledge about individuals and their approaches to various issues, identifying competency and insight, systematic study in the fields of social science, business management, marketing and numerous other areas. As per their use, they can also be conducted differently- face-to-face, over the phone, group interviews and so on. The essential flexibility and nature of use of interviews makes it applicable and vital.
Interview Transcription-
Much can be gained and ascertained from an interview. In fact, during an interview, the interviewer or moderator is constantly observing the various individual facets of the participant. It is not just the content matter of your answer, but your tone, spontaneity and assertiveness is also noted. Besides, not every aspect of the participant’s answer and reflection can be written down. This is because, there are bound to be errors, and information could be left out in the hurry.
If the interview is recorded in an audio format, the users of the information can return to it as and when required, for clarification, general reference, and inference. It is a growingly affordable option that saves on time, money and other important resources.
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