Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Few useful tips for photographing newborns

Photographing newborns in definitely tricky but it can be made less chaotic with proper planning. Also a newborn photographer has to work quickly and should always have an alternate to accommodate changes. Before finalizing the schedule for photo shoot make sure it is not their napping time, otherwise you may have to deal with a cranky baby. Always plan with some buffer time as you know babies are unpredictable and some time have to be dedicated for changing clothes and feeding.

In addition to patience, you need few props for newborn photography, especially when you take pictures of them in a seated position. Most of studios have a special newborn posing seat but it is not mandatory, you can even use a standard carrier instead. Cushions, baskets, and blankets can also well serve your purpose.

About lighting natural source, like in any other photography, is ideal for newborn photography as well. You should take extra care if you decided to use flash and studio lights.

In a large image it is hard to figure out a newborn, so closely cropped shots are ideal here.

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