Don’t we find ourselves fretting over miscommunication every now and then at work or otherwise? Don’t we often feel that our e-mails are not responded to as appropriately as they should be? Are we missing a point? Are we making the right impression or conveying the right message?
More often than not we write inappropriate e-mails, we barely seem to emphasize on the choice of words and the way it is drafted. To get a hang of writing impressive emails, one must go through email training.
There are few simple rules that need to be followed to compose effective emails. Usually in email training they illustrate on these rules and explain it to the participants with the help of good and bad sample emails.
Two of the very basic characteristics of composing emails that are dealt with in the email training are:
Writing a subject line
It is important that the subject line is apt and to the point this way you increase the chances for email to be noticed, rather than marked as spam and deleted without even a glance. Remember every one’s flooded with emails so all of us try to get rid of spam first and if your email does not have a proper subject line that conveys what the email is all about then it is difficult to grab the attention of the receiver.
Never ever leave the subject line blank that is the last thing you want to do. Imagine a newspaper without headlines it would be something like that, absolutely absurd. In email training they teach you how to draft a perfect crisp subject lines, especially for you regular weekly, monthly or even daily emails.
Make One Point per Email
It is always advisable to write separate emails on different subjects, if you have too many things to be communicated.
Should you need to put various points in an email for they belong to the same project – present each point in separate paragraphs, you can even number them. This will make each point prominent and increase the chances of each point to be addressed the way they should be.
In email training they would teach you to keep the sentences short and to the point. Your email should have relevant points and information.
Other aspects that is covered in email training is the way internal emails are sent, avoid informal tone, slang and always use spell check before sending any email.
In email training they cover all the aspects of writing effective emails in details and illustrate them with examples. Communication has become the most integral part of any business and extremely vast so it is only advisable to go through email training to ensure that the way we communicate is effective enough to get the desired result.
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