Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Securing Comfort For The Patient

Using a male external catheter can be a restrictive proposition for the patient as well as the care giver. Securing the catheter to position is quite a challenge, and is fraught with the dangers of causing inconvenience, spilling and infections.

While standard medical tube holders are the most common solution offered for this problem, they come with their own set of disadvantages that make them less attractive options. The need of the day is a medical tube holder that gives proper support in securing the catheter while minimizing inconvenience and chances of infection.

Many new innovations in technology have helped make a regular medical tube holder morph into a completely safe and efficient catheter securer. Take the Cath-Secure® Dual Tab™ for example. This innovative, multi-purpose medical tube holder improves patient comfort and eliminates the need for constant re-taping. The Cath-Secure® Dual Tab™ permits repeated access to tubing without restricting the flow, and may help to reduce medical tube trauma.

Modern medical tube holders have a huge benefit over the conventional methods of securing a catheter. They reduce medical tube trauma and ease pain. They come with a hypoallergenic tape, that provides standardized system from securing catheters and medical tubing at the same time. They remove catheter restriction and provide immense comfort to patients with indwelling catheters. Repeat application of an adhesive tape is costly, and disposable medical tubes which come in two different sizes, help in reducing costs too.

Economic and long lasting, medical tube holders like the Cath-Secure® Dual Tab™ feature a butterfly design with dual tabs that extend form the center, wrap around the tubing and anchor it tightly to the tape using a press-on hook and loop fastening system. The caregiver and patient can decide how tightly the tube is to be held, making the whole process as pain free as possible.

Medical tube holders can be used for indwelling urinary catheters, gastrostomy feeding tube, jejunostomy tubes, peritoneal dialysis exit site tubings, and urinary diversion night time drainage tubes, among other more versatile uses. Initially invented for securing indwelling urinary catheters, these medical tube holders are versatile performers with many uses in general medicine and homecare. They are particularly ideal for patients with fragile skin.

They eliminate previous problems associated with other methods of securing catheters to patients such as skin irritation from adhesive tapes. They are also sterile and hygienic preventing any external infections for the patient caused due to the tube holder or the adhesive. An ideal investment when prolonged care-giving is required, these ease the job of the caregiver and provide relief to the patient.

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