More than 12% of kids are afflicted with asthma. Whether this is due to hereditary reasons or increasing pollution asthma has become very prevalent among children. The symptoms are similar to that found in adults and include shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Additional symptoms include sweating and poor eating among others. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. If it is not diagnosed at an early age and stage chances of it becoming a chronic disease is extremely high.
For children this disease can be life altering as triggers could include dust, pollution, certain kinds of food and physical exertion meaning the child needs to live a sheltered life. Nebulizers are available these days including a bronchodilator that are especially made for treating asthma in children. As certain types of inhalers are poorly accepted by children it is always better to use a nebulizer on a physician’s recommendation. The inspiration electronic nebulizer is one such device that is ideal for patients, kids in particular.
This nebulizer system encourages adherence to aerosol medication treatment plans. Some features in the inspiration nebulizer include its weight. The nebulizer weighs less than five pounds and can easily fit in school bags or luggage. It has an additional storage space where extra medicine or nebulizer supplies can be taken. The nebulizer has an attached power cord that is neatly placed into the back of the unit.
You might also want to read about a small volume nebulizer.
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