Cuts, abrasions, and scrapes can happen anytime, no matter how much careful you are and the best thing is to be prepared to deal with them, But not many are aware the best ways to manage cuts and abrasions and many believe that these minor wound need an intensive medical attention. It is not actually so, the basic treatment can go a long way in curing these minor wounds.
First, check out the things you need to do when you encounter a cut. Immediate step is stop the bleeding, this can be done by applying pressure on the wound with a clean cloth, you can even use tissue for this purpose. Another way to do this by elevating the wounded part above the heart, so the blood flow to that part can be reduced. Then comes preventing of infection, it is very vital to clean the wound well and keep it clean to avoid infection, otherwise it may lead to worse consequences. You can use a clean cloth or a cotton swab to cleanse the wound, or even keep it under the running water. A mild soap can be used for cleansing, but make sure it doesn't stick to the wound as it may sting.
If the cut is on elbow or shin and has dust particles to be removed, a pair of disinfected tweezers is ideal but if the hand or finger is injured then it is better to cover it with a band-aid after washing. No wound management, be it a minor or major, can be done without band-aids, so it is wise to have a dozen of them in your first-aid kit. Earlier it used be one standard type of band-aids available but today one can get a band-aid of any size easily from medical supply stores. Tensoplast Elastic Adhesive Bandage is the commonly used bandage everywhere.
In case blood spurts out from the cut area then there are possibilities of artery being cut, here you need to cover the wound with a large soft cloth and if possible elevate the cut area above the heart level. In addition apply pressure so that blood flow is stopped or at least reduced. Remember! Don't ever use a tourniquet for this purpose as it may lead to worse consequences, and it is better to provide medical attention.
There is a type of wound called jagged cut that occurs due to a broken glass, this cut has edges open and appear deep, such wounds definitely need medical attention. Other incidences that require medical attention are facial injury and deep punctured wound.
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