Just like MP3, wav files are also used for recording the audio at meetings, discussions, talk shows and interviews. There is one major reason why people resort to wav to text transcription. And that is, to get noticed in their special realm of business. The main purpose of a business, personal and commercial website is to rank high in the search engines. Unless they figure in the first couple of pages, nobody is going to come to their website. Indexing audio to attract traffic to your website is not feasible. It’s the words that matter when it comes to SEOs, and audio has little or no prominence. Classification of audio files is not regular in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and such similar sites.
If you have an audio content that should be uploaded in your website then do the conversion of wav to text transcription. Once the transcriptionist finishes his job, the content editor can alter the text to a certain extent so the main keywords get highlighted. Once the keywords get prominence, it will be an added advantage to get figured in the search engine. Most of the time, the audio file is converted as it is, because no changes are allowed, for fear of changing the original idea that the speaker executes. Encourage the speaker to incorporate the keywords in such a way that the originality of the speech isn’t lost, this way, the main words can be included during the wav to text transcription process.
Wav to text conversion is preferred by many people because they don’t have the patience to listen to the whole audio file. They may also encounter problems opening the file because of wrong format. Even if they have been able to open the file, they may not have the time to listen to the whole version. On the other hand, if it is the transcript version, they can skim through the matter and understand the crux of what the speaker was saying.
A Wav to text conversion will be greatly advantageous to people whose hearing is impaired. They can go through the transcript version and still be a part of the show. There are many softwares in the market, that allows for real time conversion, so that people with hearing problems can attend the show at the same time. The wav to word transcription may take some time, but they can follow the speaker without much time delay.
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