There are many times when in the last stage of ordering a product, the mind gets diverted or tired and the buyer shuts down the Order form without even submitting it. In such cases the order isn’t confirmed and is of no use. Thus until the Order form is finally submitted with the website, the order for that particular product is not considered valid. There exist various reasons for the user to discontinue filling the Order form. No matter how convincing a letter, lift note, brochure, and other pieces are, it is the Order form only which confirms a final yes or no to the offer.
An Order form has to be very interesting, eye catching, short and easy to fill in. There are certain rules that help in creating an effective Order form:
* One should keep in mind to create an attractive and unique Order form with different colour schemes, border, and eye catching graphic along with a headline.
* It should be easy and short to fill in. The order form should be intuitive so that by having a glance at it, one could easily judge the procedure for filling the same. For the lengthy Order form, the user gets tired and even bored further changing his decision from yes to no. So to avoid any kind of barriers in the order, it is always recommended to have the simple, with very few fill-ins and one sided Order form.
* It’s always better to keep the Order form in a summarized manner, but a complete acceptance statement is always beneficial to give in. The acceptance statement may include the guarantee terms, offer summary, item request, affirmation, sweeteners and statement of benefits.
* For enabling the people to call in, it’s always better to give the toll free numbers as this may also increase the orders for credit cards. In order to boost the user response, providing them with the fax number and ensuring that the Order form easily passes through the fax machine and is easily printed out is another important aspect.
* Another important feature of an effective Order form is that the guarantee period and other related information should be prominently displayed to avoid any type of doubts.
* The Order form should contain the complete information like the name and logo of the company, address, price, taxes applicable, and other charges if any.
* There should be some space left in the Order form to record the views or comments or points of the viewers.
* Proper instructions like for the printing of the Order form should also be mentioned as this further helps in avoiding wrong information about the order or the concerned person.
* With the help of gold seals, certified borders, special backgrounds etc, one can create an Order form with a valuable look.
* By creating a sense of urgency one can tempt the users for instant response.
You have better chances of appealing to a higher traffic, if your order forms are simpler and easy to fill.
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