When hunting for a job, it is advisable to keep your employment forms with you, as companies may require it sometimes. The last thing you require is a missing documentation which might stall the hiring process. Employment forms that you may need include job applications, W-2 forms, an I-9 form and a W-4 form. If you don't have the original documentation thatyou need before the employer puts you on the payroll, order copies now, so that you are ready to start immediately as soon as you get a job offer. Listed below are the various employment forms you may need:
Job Application Forms: Many employers require candidates for every post, even top level ones, to fill out an application so they have documentation of experience and education. Applicants will need to provide details and dates of past employment and education as well as of credentials and certifications. At some point in the hiring process you may be required to provide college transcripts or other proof of your degree
W2 Forms: It is basically a PDF form an employer must send to an employee and the IRS at the end of the year. It reports an employee's annual wages and the amount of taxes withheld from his or her paycheck.
W4 Forms: The W4 form is completed by an employee so the employer can withhold the correct amount of federal income tax from your pay. When you are hired for a new job, you will be required to complete a W4 form to let your employer know how much tax to withhold.
I-9 Form: When hired for a new job, employees are required to prove that they are legally entitled to work in the US. An Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9 Form) must be completed and kept on file by the employer. You will be required to produce original documentation verifying your eligibility to work.
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